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Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice

You want to contribute to society in a meaningful and practical way. You want to understand why crime occurs. You’d like to work with people caught up in the criminal justice system, either as accused, offenders or victims. You want to influence the way communities view crime.
This course is offered at multiple locations, select your prefered campus to see when it is offered.
Ballarat - Mt Helen
Gippsland - Churchill
On-line Learning
Semester 1
Semester 2
Other intakes
Ballarat - Mt Helen
Semester 1
Semester 2
Other intakes
Semester 1
Semester 2
Other intakes
Gippsland - Churchill
Semester 1
Semester 2
Other intakes
On-line Learning
Semester 1
Semester 2
Other intakes
View all semester start dates
3 years full-time or part-time equivalent
(360 credit points = 3.0 EFTSL)
Lowest Adjusted ATAR 50.00

This degree will prepare you for work in state and federal police, in courts and corrections, government departments and for work in community based agencies delivering criminal justice courses.

You’ll learn to understand crime data, why crime rates and types vary in different countries and across remote, regional and urban settings. You’ll also learn to evaluate the effectiveness of different crime prevention strategies and policies, as well as develop a knowledge of criminal justice courses in international jurisdictions.

You will engage with debates about the interaction between the criminal justice system and groups in society who are over represented as victims, offenders or both. Consider the influence of factors such as disadvantage, ethnicity, aboriginality, disability, age and gender and the effect of these factors on access to justice.

In this degree, students develop the practical skills and knowledge to prepare them for work or further study. Assessments are informed by practical examples of the requirements of industry, practical experience in the field and presentations by those already in the field. This course also offers foundational research knowledge for students wanting to pursue post graduate studies or who would like to develop their research skills in industry. You can also choose to complete either a second major (8 courses) or two minors (4 courses each) from specified study areas.
Major options: Community and Human Services, Behavioural Studies, Sociology, IT security.
Minor options:  Community and Human Services, Behavioural Studies, Sociology, IT security, Writing. Indigenous Studies.

The degree was developed in consultation from students, justice and community based agencies.

  • Case management officer
  • Communications officer
  • Corrections officer
  • Court officer
  • Criminal intelligence analyst
  • Criminal investigator
  • Criminologist
  • Family caseworker
  • Government officer
  • Industrial relations officer
  • Investigation officer
  • Juvenile caseworker
  • Law reform campaign officer
  • Media officer
  • Police officer
  • Policy analyst
  • Policy officer
  • Political advisor
  • Private investigator
  • Project officer
  • Public relations officer
  • Welfare officer
  • Youth worker

Sample structures are just one example of the many options available within your chosen course.  Please contact Federation University for further information on available options.

Please note this is a sample structure only and is not to be used for enrolment purposes.  To enrol, please refer to the information provided to you by Federation University for your individual course structure or view our enrolment information page.

To view current unit information and cost, click on the individual unit name below, or click here to view current unit information and cost for ALL units.

Year 1

Semester 1

ATSGC1369, 15 credit points
CRJUS1286, 15 credit points
Behavioural Studies

Community and Human Services

IT Security

Indigenous Semester 2



Semester 2

CRJUS1287, 15 credit points
CRJUS2475, 15 credit points
Elective Courses (1)

Year 2

Semester 1

CRJUS2474, 15 credit points
Behavioural Studies

Community and Human Services

IT Security

Indigenous Semester 2



Semester 2

Behavioural Studies

Community and Human Services

IT Security

Indigenous Semester 2



Year 3

Semester 1

CRJUS3202, 15 credit points
FEAFN3001, 15 credit points
Behavioural Studies

Community Human Service

IT Security




Semester 2

CRJUS3303, 15 credit points
CRJUS3478, 15 credit points
Behavioural Studies

Community and Human Services

IT Security

Indigenous Semester 2



A full time student would normally study 4 courses per semester, each course will have approximately 3 - 4 hours of contact time on campus per week, therefore students would have 12 - 16 hours of contact time on campus, plus personal study time. The Higher Education timetable can vary from semester to semester with the days and times each class is scheduled, your timetable could be split across 2 days or the 5 days.

Students need to complete a band of 200 hours for the WIL component in CRJUS3205 WIL Professional Practice, in addition to CRJUS3204 WIL Professional Knowledge.

Important for Yr 10 students

Entry requirements (year 12)

Admissions Criteria for current Year 12 students and recent secondary graduates (the past 2 years)


• Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 20 in any English

This course uses the ATAR as part of its selection considerations.

Guaranteed ATAR

This course has a guaranteed ATAR.

If you meet the course pre-requisites and any ‘Essential Requirements for Admission’, we will guarantee you a place in this course with this ATAR. We use the adjusted ATAR, factoring in subject adjustments and SEAS as detailed below.

Subject Adjustments

A study score of 35 in Humanities, any History, Literature, Legal Studies or Philosophy equals 3 aggregate points per study. Overall maximum of 5 points.

SEAS (Special Entry Access Scheme)

Applicants who have experienced educational disadvantage are encouraged to apply for the Special Entry Access Schemes (SEAS). Depending on eligibility and your circumstances, a SEAS application may provide support for your course application.


Entry requirements (non year 12)

Admission criteria for applicants with a Higher Education Study

This course uses the applicants’ entire academic record as part of its selection considerations.

Compulsory: Previous higher education studies with results at a pass level, including any 'single subjects of study', or successful completion of a tertiary preparatory course such as the FedUni Foundation Access Studies Program (FAST).


Admission criteria for applications with a Vocational Education and Training study

This course uses the applicants’ entire academic record as part of its selection considerations.

Compulsory: Successful completion of a relevant VET qualification at Certificate III level or higher.


Admission criteria for applications with work and life experience

Applicants who have not completed secondary education, or undertaken any TAFE or university studies will not be eligible for entry into this course. Applicants in this category should consider a pathway course such as Foundation Access Studies (FAST) Program

English language requirement

Overall Academic IELTS band score of 6.0, with no band less than 6.0 or equivalent.

The application method varies depending on your circumstances, please visit our How to apply page for further information.

VTAC application: Yes

VTAC code: 3700830451 (On-line Learning), 3700530451 (Mt Helen), 3700730451 (Churchill), 3701830451 (Berwick)

Direct application: Yes

Federation University code: HK5

Tuition fee information

Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)

2025 indicative full-time fee: $16,992

Commonwealth Supported Places are subsidised by the Australian Government. The tuition fee is called the student contribution amount. The indicative fee above is based on a typical first-year enrolment for this course and should be used as a guide only. For 0.5 EFTSL (60 credit point) courses the certificate fee is displayed. Your fee will depend on the units you chose, your study load, the time it takes to complete your course and any approved credit you receive. 

How it's calculated

The government sets the fee each year. The amount depends on the discipline area and band of each unit. 2024 annual student contribution amounts for 1 EFTSL (equivalent full-time student load) range from $4,627 (Band 1) to $16,992 (Band 4).  The sample structure section above links to the EFTSL, Band and fee for each unit or you can use our unit search to find these details.

Other fees

You will also need to pay the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

Fee assistance

You may be eligible for a HECS-HELP loan, which can be used to defer payment of all or part of your student contribution.  You may also be eligible to defer payment of your SSAF through a SA-HELP loan.


Our scholarships and grants can help with your study costs.  Explore our scholarships to find an opportunity that's right for you.

Can your studies count towards a degree with us? Use our online Credit Search to get the details on completing your studies sooner.


Completed Certificate IV, Diploma or Advanced Diploma qualifications will be considered for admission.

  • Preference will be given to students whose prior studies include courses in humanities, e.g. professional writing and editing, liberal arts, media and communications, justice studies, marketing and public relations. - Credit will be considered based on the TAFE qualification completed and its relevance to the degree.


Successful completion of at least one (1) Australian university level (or equivalent) unit will be considered for admission.

  • Additional units will enhance a student's application. Students are encouraged to consider units that relate to the arts or social sciences.
  • Credit for any other previous studies will only be granted from those completed no more than 10 years prior to admission.

Entry via FAST

This course is eligible for entry via the Foundation Access Studies (FAST) program. FAST is designed to provide alternative entry to tertiary study at Federation University Australia. You may also be eligible for credit into this course, depending on your selected major/s. Please contact FedUni for further information.

This course is recognised by Community Corrections Services (CCS).

To help you get the most from your online learning experience, it's important that you own or have frequent access to a fast and reliable computer that's ideally not more than two years old.

You will also need frequent access to a reliable high-speed internet connection.  You should expect to use approximately 5GB of data each month, per unit, just for study use.

For further information, visit the Minimum IT requirements for studying online webpage.

A range of student services are available at most campuses. For further information on these services or for course information, please contact us on 1800 333 864.

The commencement of all courses is subject to available funding and enrolment quotas.

All information contained in this course overview including the availability of courses and fees, is correct at the time of being published, however the University reserves the right to alter any course, procedure or fee. Students should check for any amendment prior to enrolment.

CRICOS Provider No.00103D
Please note: This training is delivered with Victorian and Commonwealth Government funding to eligible individuals.
National RTO Code: 4909

School department

Humanities and Social Sciences

Course co-ordinator

Cassie Pedersen